
Showing posts from October, 2015

Petit Pois Francais (French peas)

The Recycled Cook By Adrian Sleeman Petit Pois Francais (French peas) If you want something a little different to serve as an accompaniment with a French twist instead of the usual vegetables try this simple method of cooking peas with lettuce and onion. Easy to make and a simply delicious alternative which will lift your meal. This works particularly well with fish but could just as easily be served as a side dish with chicken or pork or even supplemented with other vegetables and served as a soup in its own right.  I find that adding a particular choice of herb can change the whole character of this dish, for example you could add Dill or Fennel with fish, Sage or Mint with pork and Tarragon or Coriander with Chicken, The basis of this dish is of course a good vegetable stock which ideally you will have made yourself and frozen, the recipe for which you can find here  Making Stock . You can of course use shop bought stock cubes, gels or even liquid sachets these days