Cheese and chive jacket potato

The Recycled Cook Cheese and chive jacket potato Jacket potatoes are one of those really comforting dishes that seem to have been around forever, w e all have our favourite toppings. Chucking the potato in the microwave and adding your topping is one way but they can be a lot more interesting than that too. Prick the skin all over and put straight onto the rack in the oven on 200° (Gas mark 6) and bake for about 40 mins, turning half way through cooking. The time will vary depending on the the size of the potato. Use any large potato you have available. After baking, halve and gently score the potato in a criss cross pattern, being careful not to pierce the skin but if you do it is not disastrous. For this one I used left over cheese from the fridge and fresh chives from my garden. You can substitute finely chopped spring onion for the chives. Scoop out the centre and place in a mixing bowl, season well with salt and black pepper...