Spanish Omelette

The Recycled Cook By Adrian Sleeman Spanish Omelette This is not strictly speaking a traditional "Tortilla EspaƱola" but is made in the style of one using whatever it is you happen to have available in your fridge. The traditional version is usually baked in the oven although you can make them using two frying pans, flipping them over half way through cooking. I prefer to start off in a frying pan and then finish the cooking under a hot grill. I have added cheese as it gives a nice crusty finish to the tortilla and adds bags of flavour too. Start by slicing and chopping your ingredients into a large frying pan. There are no rules as to what you can use but try and create a balance of flavours. I have used new potatoes (still in their skins), red pepper, onion, some spring onion, celery and chorizo. I also added a few slices of left over Parma ham. For a vegetarian version just leave out the meat content. Saute lightly in butter and olive oil until your ...