Breakfast Mushroom Omelette

Breakfast Mushroom Omelette Today's blog is a simple breakfast dish using up some left over chestnut mushrooms. A straightforward dish but a very tasty start to the day and a change for the usual breakfast fry up. It is also a good vegetarian dish. First of all you need to wash, trim and slice your mushrooms, use more than you think you will need as they do reduce in volume when cooked. Beat four eggs in a bowl adding a dash of cold water and set aside. Season with some white pepper and fine salt. Heat some oil and butter in a frying pan, if you have some available or can get some locally use Truffle oil to really bring out the flavour of the mushrooms. Saute the mushrooms in the oil and butter until they reduce by about half the volume. Don't overcook them as you want to keep some texture. Season with salt and black pepper to taste. You can at this stage add som...