Traditional Welsh Cawl
The Recycled Cook
By Adrian Sleeman
Traditional Welsh Cawl

This is a dish that you will find in rural areas all over the world, with many different names and variations: Caldo, Cazuela, Cock-a-leekie or Ajiaco to name but a few but they all have one thing in common, they are cheap, wholesome, warming and satisfying.
The thing about recycling food is that you need to plan ahead, that way you waste little and make far more of the food you are cooking. So what is "Cawl" made from?
- 2 Litres of Stock (see below for method)
- A whole chicken carcass (you can also use leftover pieces of Beef or Lamb)
Whatever root vegetables you have; Carrots, Swede, Potatoes, Parsnips, Turnips (peeled and roughly chopped)
- 1 Large Celery stalk, 2 bay Leaves, Parsley and any other herbs you have left over
It is here that I differ from my grandmother as I start off with Olive oil in a large heavy saucepan, chop and fry some onions, celery and garlic (What the Italians call a "Sofrito"). Heat these gently until softened then take off the heat. Add the chopped up chicken carcass (don't worry about being delicate as you will be straining this later).
Cut up the carcass into manageable pieces, add it to the "Sofrito" with enough cold water to cover the bones. Raid your fridge for any left over vegetables: Onions, Carrots, Swede, Celery, etc. Add these to the water with any herbs you might have.
If you don't have fresh herbs dried herbs will do just fine, just add about half the amount that you would of fresh herbs. Season to taste with sea salt and coarse ground black pepper.

This is the time to get creative, I have never yet
cooked "Cawl" twice in the same way, my Mamgu (grandmother) would have not approved of this but I like to add Star Anis and crushed Garlic cloves.
Add whatever you have available, it is a leftover dish after all, At this stage you are only looking to add flavour so don't worry too much if the vegetables are passed their best but avoid any that are actually mouldy.

Let this cool and strain through a sieve then shred any meat off the bones back into the pot, this should literally fall off the bone. Peel and slice some fresh root vegetables, add these to the pot and simmer for around 20 minutes or until the vegetables are just soft.

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