
The Recycled Cook By Adrian Sleeman Confit Recycling does not just mean using leftovers it also means taking something you have previously cooked and turning it into another, often even tastier, dish. For example, w hen you roast a whole Chicken, Guinea foul, Duck or any game bird you will sometimes be left with the legs, having used the breasts previously. These are perfect for making a completely new meal worthy of any bistro. A great example of this is a "Confit", a common term for food that has been preserved, traditionally in duck or goose fat and stored in a cool place. Confit comes from the French word Confir (to preserve) and is one of the oldest ways to preserve food, a speciality of southwestern France. If you are a purist you may want to use this traditional method, it will keep perfectly well for several months, covered and kept in a cool place. Just place the meat in a suitable container or bowl, gently melt the Duck or Goose fat, bring...