
The Recycled Cook

By Adrian Sleeman

Amazing Lentils

So what else can we make with that delicious home made stock? I used to think that lentils was a dish exclusively designed for vegetarians, uninteresting and boring until, thanks largely to Jamie Oliver, I discovered that they could be a sensational way to use up leftovers and be a great staple alternative to rice, pasta or even potatoes.

  • 2 Litres of chicken or vegetable stock (home made if available)

  • A packet of ready to cook green "Puy" lentils (otherwise you will have to soak them overnight)

  • 1 medium onion, 1 celery stalk, 1 carrot, 2 cloves of garlic finely chopped
  • 2 bay Leaves, salt and pepper for seasoning, mixed spices (see tips).
  • A small tub of Creme Fresh or single cream (optional)
  • Some chopped fresh herbs for topping

Once again start off with Olive oil in a large saucepan or Wok, (I Like to use a wok for this dish it just feels right somehow) chop and fry some onions, celery and garlic ("Sofrito"). Heat these gently until softened then take off the heat.

There are several kinds of lentil available, Red, yellow and greed (Puy) but for this dish I prefer to use the green "Puy" Lentls. Rinse your Puy lentils thoroughly
then add to the "Sofrito". Add the stock and stir then simer for around 40 minutes. If you like stir in some Creme Fresh and top with a sprinkling of fresh herbs. Just like the spices, experiment with different combinations.

This of course is just the basic lentil dish, make it exciting by topping with sausages, chicken or duck leg "confit"

Next Time: Making "Confit"

Chef's tip: Change the flavour of your lentil dish by adding some pre-mixed spices such as "Ras Al Hanut" (Moroccan), "Garamasala" (Indian) or "Cajun".

Disclaimer: The suggestions and tips on these blog pages are meant to be used in conjunction with common sense. Keeping your family healthy is the priority. Do not use food that is unfit for human consumption and always follow sensible food hygiene guidelines. http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/homehygiene/Pages/food-leftovers-safety.aspx


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