Christmas Special Edition
The Recycled Cook
By Adrian Sleeman
Christmas leftovers

We all buy far more food than we need, cook enough meat and vegetables to feed a small army and always end up wondering what on earth to do with the Christmas leftovers.
For me the opportunities are amazing, whether you had turkey, duck, goose, pork, lamb or beef, the possibilities are endless. That of course without all of the all the wonderful vegetables (cooked and uncooked) that never got used.
I suppose the logical place to start is with the poultry carcass or joint of meat.
We have already spent more than enough time on making stock from the carcass so I will assume that, once you have removed as much meat as possible from the bones you will do this without a second thought.
Curries are a great idea at this time of year but think outside the box, don't just opt for the usual jar of madras sauce, try Thai red or green curry paste with a tin of coconut milk, some fresh chopped red chillies (de-seeded of course), a bunch of coriander leaves, lime juice and some Thai 7 spice powder.
The one ingredient that immediately makes oriental food authentic is Fish sauce (Nam Pla) although not to everyone's taste, without it, for me at least, the balance is never quite right.

Shred the meat by hand it gives a much better texture to the curry than cubes of meat and feel a lot ore authentic too. In Thailand curries are usually made from pre-cooked meat so this is ideal.

So what else can we do with the leftover meat? Try shredding the meat finely into a bowl, season well with salt and black pepper and pack into ramakin dishes, top with some duck fat or clarified butter and you have great little "Rillets" that make wonderful snacks, serve with some crusty fresh bread.
Mix it up, try different meat combinations, Turkey and ham, Pork and beef,
or just simply duck on its on. To add another dimension, place a spoonful of cranberry sauce in the ramakin first before adding the meat.

To make your terrine look even more professional, lay some cooked cabbage leaves all around the mould before filling with the vegetable layers (remove any thick stalks). Wrap them over the base before chilling.
Chef's tip: Leftover drumsticks are ideal for turning into confit
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