
The Recycled Cook


If there is one dish that lends itself well to recycled cooking it is an omelette, as you can make it with so many left over ingredients.

As with all recycled or leftover dishes the only restriction is what you have to work with. Be creative and try different combinations, the results can be amazing.

Although you could make this in the style of a classic French Omelette folded over I find it works best in the style of a Spanish Tortilla but each to their own preference.

The advantage of the Spanish style omelette is that it is difficult to overcook so it can be cooked ahead of time and reheated when required 

Here are some ideas for ingredients you could add to your omelette: Red or Green peppers, onions, herbs, chives, shallots, celery, green beans, peas, potato, chorizo, ham, bacon, salami, chillies and garlic. In fact pretty much anything in the fridge that would go well together.


Once you have decided on the content that you are going to put in your omelette chop them quite small, though not too small as they need to provide texture as well as flavour.

Start by putting a little olive oil in the pan, I like to use one of my home-made flavoured oils such as garlic, chilli to truffle oil. You can also add some butter if you want added flavour and are not watching the calories too closely.

Add the ingredients in the order that they need cooking. Uncooked meats such as bacon chicken should be pre cooked as you can't guarantee they will cook through in the omelette

Add any diced raw vegetables such as onion or pepper and only add any left over pre-cooked vegetables or cooked meat towards the end of cooking or they will overcook and become lost in the dish.

Use a saute or frying pan with a heat resistant handle and saute gently so as not to burn the onions or garlic until everything is cooked through and the onions and peppers are soft. 

While this is simmering beat enough eggs to cover the mixture, this will of course depend on how many people you are making breakfast for. Add a dash of cold water to the eggs and season with white pepper, salt and if you have some, Pimenton (smoked Paprika) which gives the dish a lovely Mediterranean flavour.

Switch on your grill to high while you are cooking your omelette on the hob.

Mix the egg in quickly off the heat until the mixture is evenly distributed then simmer over a low heat until the omelette comes away from the pan when gently shaken. 

Top with grated leftover cheese and put the pan under the grill to finish cooking, this should cook to a lovely golden brown colour.

Use a cloth to remove the pan (that handle gets hot) and check it is cooked through; it should be firm to the touch. Simply slide onto a plate or chopping board and you are ready to serve with a sauce or chutney of your choice.

For added flavour sprinkle a little smoked paprika (Pimienton) on top

This dish can be eaten hot, reheated or served cold with salad.

Disclaimer: The suggestions and tips on these blog pages are meant to be used in conjunction with common sense. Keeping your family healthy is the priority. Do not use food that is unfit for human consumption and always follow sensible food hygiene guidelines.


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