Flamenco Eggs (Huevos Flamencos)

The Recycled Cook

By Adrian Sleeman

Flamenco Eggs

The Spanish name for this is "Huevos Flamencos" and for me this sums up what Mediterranean cooking is all about, flavour and colour. and it is a great dish to have as an alternative to your usual breakfast. It also makes a delicious supper dish. Flamenco on a plate.

As with all of my dishes it is not a rigid recipe, is easily adapted depending on what you have left over in your fridge and making a vegetarian option is just a case of substituting the meat for a suitable vegetable, such as Courgette or Aubergine. 

Start by sweating off some chopped onion and Chorizo
(if using) over a medium heat until softened, then add crushed garlic to taste, being careful not to catch this or it will be bitter. Set aside and keep warm.

Next gently mix some eggs, do not over beat as ideally you want a mix of yolk and egg white in the finished dish. This is not after all a "Tortilla" 

Chop whatever left over vegetables you have ready to hand, in this case I have used green and yellow peppers, spring onion and celery. 

At this point you can slice some rings of Courgette or small Aubergine if you are making a vegetarian option. Proportions are dictated by what you left over so no two dishes will ever be exactly the same.
Chop some tomatoes, you can of course use fresh but they will have to be skinned in boiling water and I find tinned plum tomatoes have far more flavour. You can of course use chopped tinned tomatoes.

Combine the chopped vegetables with the previously softened mix of onion chorizo and garlic you set aside and saute over a medium heat. Season well with salt pepper and Pimienton (smoked Paprika) if you have it. This for me adds a real taste of authenticity.

Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees (Gas mark 5). Spoon the mixture into individual bowls which are suitable for oven to table, I find these little Terracota bowls work well and give that added feel of Spain. 

Ladle in the egg mix which can also be seasoned with some Pimienton or just white pepper and salt.

Now just place the individual bowls in the oven for around 12 minutes or until the eggs have set. serve with a little chopped fresh parsley and a sprinkling of Pimienton to add colour. 

Whether you use chorizo, sausage, courgette or Aubergine I am sure you will feel transported to the Meditteranean by this delightful Spanish dish.

Disclaimer: The suggestions and tips on these blog pages are meant to be used in conjunction with common sense. Keeping your family healthy is the priority. Do not use food that is unfit for human consumption and always follow sensible food hygiene guidelines.  


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