
The Recycled Cook

Making breadcrumbs

Now this is such a simple thing to do that I am sure most of you will be doing it anyway but will post it anyway for those that, for whatever reason, don't.

If you have any stale bread left over (not mouldy just dry), don't throw it away it away, make breadcrumbs from it. They freeze really well and are such a versatile thing to have available, far nicer than the packet variety.

There are so many uses for fresh breadcrumbs, you can use them to make potato croquettes with leftover cheese, ham, tuna and mushrooms being just a few ideas, Arancini (posh croquettes), rissoles, Schnitzel, chicken Milanese or use them to coat your fish or to bulk out stuffing. 

There is even an Italian speciality called Pan Grattato where you fry the breadcrumbs with finely chopped dried anchovies and red chilli, delicious sprinkled over pasta. Just chop up the bread into manageable chunks and use your preferred method to crumb them. 

I use a coffee grinder which works well but you can also use a food processor, a blender or just a simple grater. Bag them up and remember to date them, job done.

Don't worry about removing the crusts, that adds a really nice texture to the breadcrumbs. If you like you can mix in some chopped leftover herbs too for added flavour.

A simple idea I know but one that can go a long way to make your meal that bit special. 

Fresh breadcrumbs contain vitamins and minerals as well as a good source of carbohydrates so why waste all that goodness just because the bread is not as fresh as it once was.

Disclaimer: The suggestions and tips on these blog pages are meant to be used in conjunction with common sense. Keeping your family healthy is the priority. Do not use food that is unfit for human consumption and always follow sensible food hygiene guidelines.

Always be careful in the kitchen, we accept no responsibility for any accidents caused as a direct or indirect result of preparing any of these dishes. Children should not be allowed to handle sharp cooking implements without the supervision of an adult. 


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