Beef and red pepper casserole

The Recycled Cook

Beef and red pepper casserole

Ever find yourself with a piece of been left over from the Sunday roast and wonder what to do with it?

Thats what I had to cook with last night so I looked to see what I had left over to add to it to make a casserole.

I found a large red pepper, some spring onions, shallots and some herbs in my fridge. I also had some baby new potatoes that needed using up.

I had already kept a small saucepan of gravy from the weekend which I had thought of using to make a curry.

Didn't take many pics this time as to be honest there were not that many stages in the cooking. I diced the beef joint (topside) and put it in a casserole dish added the leftover gravy along with some chopped flat leaf parsley, 

6 unpeeled cloves of garlic and the coarsely chopped red pepper.

I peeled the baby new potatoes (you could leave the skins on but these had started to sprout) halved them and par boiled them. 
Once they had cooked I let them cool then added them to the casserole. Seasoned everything well with ground black pepper and coarse sea salt.

Pop it in the oven on a moderate heat (200°/Gas mark 6) for around 30 minutes or until the potatoes are tender enough when pierced with a fork. I served this with some wholemeal pita bread I had in the freezer that I defrosted and popped in the toaster. Sprinkle with some extra chopped flat leaf parsley.

Disclaimer: The suggestions and tips on these blog pages are meant to be used in conjunction with common sense. Keeping your family healthy is the priority. Do not use food that is unfit for human consumption and always follow sensible food hygiene guidelines.

Always be careful in the kitchen, we accept no responsibility for any accidents caused as a direct or indirect result of preparing any of these dishes. 


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