Chilli rice cakes
Chilli rice cakes

A nice simple blog today, well its hot and I want to be in the garden. This is one that your children might want to help with too, tough on them not being having the freedom the are used tonight
All I needed for this was leftover rice (please make sure that you chill your rice as soon as it is cool, leaving cooked rice in room temperature for even an hour can be risky).
The first thing to do is mix the rice with some chilli sauce, this will not only add heat and colour but will help bind the rice cakes together.
Depending on the rice and how loose it was when it was cooked you might ned to add a little flour too, I used rice flour but corn flour works just as well.
Once you have mixed the rice roll it out onto a clean surface, baking tray or ideally a silicone baking mat if you have one. They shouldn't be too thick or they won't dry out very well. Dust the rolling pin and the surface with a little four to stop the rice sticking.
Cut them out into bite sized discs, you can use a small glass if you don't have the right size cutter.
Dip the cutter or glass in a little flour so the cakes will come away cleanly.

The problem with drying them naturally is the birds will have them if you are not keeping an eye on them so the oven id probably the safest bet.
All that is left to do the is cook them.

Shallow fry them in a light oil such as coconut or peanut oil (make sure nobody has any nut allergies first). I used an air fryer with a spoon of coconut oil but they work just as well in a large frying pan.

You want an oil that isn't going to taste strong or it will overpower the chilli cakes.
They should cook over a medium high heat for around 6 or 7 minutes on both sides, depending on the thickness.
Check that they are not catching and flip over carefully with a pallet knife.
Once cooked drain on kitchen paper and allow to cool, store in a tin to keep fresh once cold.
These work best with a short grain rice like Bomba (paella rice), Arborio (risotto rice), Japonica (Sushi rice) or Thai sticky rice but as this is a leftover dish work with what you have.
Disclaimer: The suggestions and tips on these blog pages are meant to be used in conjunction with common sense. Keeping your family healthy is the priority. Do not use food that is unfit for human consumption and always follow sensible food hygiene guidelines.
Always be careful in the kitchen, we accept no responsibility for any accidents caused as a direct or indirect result of preparing any of these dishes.
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