Parma ham and cheese croquettes

Parma ham and cheese croquettes

Well another batch of leftover coquettes today as I had some Potato and  Celeriac mash left over from yesterday's dinner.

I also found in the fridge some parma ham which needed using up and some bits of leftover cheese, I keep a box just for these leftover bits specifically for cooking. 

Once again you can use the previously frozen breadcrumbs

Remove the fat and chop the Parma ham quite finely,  
this could of course be any kind of leftover cured or cooked ham. 

Will have to try this with Carmarthen ham which is apparently the original Parma ham; the Romans pinched the idea from us Celts.

Add the chopped ham to the leftover was in a large bowl then great in the leftover cheese, I used a mix of three cheeses but one will do fine. Season well with salt and black pepper. 

You could add a pinch of chilli powder 
if you wanted to spice them up a little

Use your imagination, some fresh parsley or any leftover herbs would work too. 

You could even chop some onion or garlic but will need to be fine so that it cooks through. I find the tubes of lazy garlic, chilli and lemon grass really useful to have in the house.

Once the mix is complete, mix well with your hands, use latest gloves if you have them as your hands will need to be scrupulously clean for this task.

Once mixed well, form the croquettes into balls or egg shapes in our hands and set aside. It is a good idea to put these in the fridge for an hour to firm up before coating.

As with the previous recipe dip the croquettes in flour egg and breadcrumbs.

These will freeze well or you an just keep them in the fridge if you intend using them within a day or two. 

Use your judgement, if the ham was in need of using up before you started it won't get any fresher hanging around
so either freeze or cook soon.

I froze mine and will shallow fry them until golden at a later date. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: The suggestions and tips on these blog pages are meant to be used in conjunction with common sense. Keeping your family healthy is the priority. Do not use food that is unfit for human consumption and always follow sensible food hygiene guidelines.

Always be careful in the kitchen, we accept no responsibility for any accidents caused as a direct or indirect result of preparing any of these dishes. 


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