Wild Fennel and Goats cheese Arancini
The Recycled Cook
Wild Fennel and Goats cheese Arancini

I had some leftover rice in the freezer and some goats cheese that needed using so decided on a nother twist on Arancini today.
Wild fennel doesn't have the large bulb that we are used with "Florence " fennel , the wild variety has just a strong root so cut the fronds above ground level and it will continue to produce.
You will need to simmer the Fennel for about 30 minutes as it is quite fibrous

Mix the fennel and goats cheese together a bowl working it in well to a rough paste. Season with white pepper and some salt. I added a squeeze of garlic paste but you could finely chop and crush garlic cloves if you don't have any paste.

Aracini actually means small oranges, in Italian, if you made larger ones they would be called Arancia
Once the Arancini are made then you need to roll them in a fine flour, (rice or potato flour work well) beaten egg and breadcrumbs

Put your Arancini in the fridge to firm up, do not re-freeze if your rice had already been frozen, if the rice has just been made and is freshly out of the fridge you can freeze until required.

When you are ready to cook your Arancini fry in a little light oil turning careful to avoid them breaking up, I fine the best way is with two small spoons rather than using tongs.
Drain on kitchen paper and serve with a dip of your choice such as Aioli or a spicy mango chutney, use what you have available, even chilli sauce or ketchup.
Disclaimer: The suggestions and tips on these blog pages are meant to be used in conjunction with common sense. Keeping your family healthy is the priority. Do not use food that is unfit for human consumption and always follow sensible food hygiene guidelines.
Always be careful in the kitchen, we accept no responsibility for any accidents caused as a direct or indirect result of preparing any of these dishes.
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